Saturday, March 08, 2003

(Part V)
I do not know, how I got out of the situation with shattered nerves but no
shattered bones. Looking back, I now realise, there were two things that saved
me. Firstly, I was probably doing much over forty at that instant (fear lends
wings, and I was going down the slope). Secondly, the triangular shape of
the auto when you look from the top left enough space to scrape through even
when its front wheels had come upto the bus.

There has of course been some small unimportant incidents like the time I
crashed into a wall because I didn't turn right where the road did, or the time
when I wanted to avoid the potholes on the way, and chose to hit the fence
instead, but these are minor incidents, and too many to recall, or relate.

I haven't rode only bicycles all my life, I have taken my turns at other peoples
motorbikes and cars as well. Maybe I can write about those experiences some
other day.

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