Monday, August 30, 2004

Re-cycling: A Good Practice!!

Came to office on cycle today!

When I bought the bike, it was my idea that I shall continue to cycle to office and use the bike for going elsewhere. Not only does cycling give the regular exercise, otherwise lacking now that I do not play in the evenings any more, but also, I used to enjoy cycling. Accordingly, I had actually cycled to office for about a month even after buying the bike.

Then, one fine day, my cycle got punctured. I thought I will fix it the next day, and drove to office. 'Tomorrow' stayed 'tomorrow' for a couple of weeks, till I ultimately gave up the idea of getting it repaired, and gave in to the comfort of riding to office. The fact that my bike is really comfortable didn't help much in keeping my cycling resolutions! (Ya, a bike can be more comfortable than others, ask anyone who has ridden mine!)

For a few days now, I have been planning to jog in the morning. Lazy as I am, waking up early enough and pulling myself out into the streets to jog has proven impossible till date! Haven't had any proper incentives either. I can wake up for football, and call up enough people to join in as early as 6 in the morning, but waking up to jog? Are you kidding?

So as usual I am taking the easy way out. My current resolution - to cycle to office regularly. 10 kilometres of fast cycling a day should do me a world of good, specially if I can shed a couple of kilograms from the steadily growing midriff areas! Let me see how long I can keep up the practice.